Modpack Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles by Freebi85
- 2517756
- 42.63 MB
- 1.12.2
- August 27, 2018
- October 7, 2020
- ExplorationExtra LargeMagicQuestsTech
Name | Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles |
Author | Freebi85 |
Description | [1.12.2] Adventure & Expert Modpack [302+ Mods, 1750+ Quests, 20+ Dimensions, Space, Dragons, Dungeons, Tech, Magic] Tons of Customized Tech and Magic Recipes! Customized Content and Ore geneneration. Customized Dungeon Loot and much more! |
Information | Downloads: 2517756 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 42.63 MB Updated at: October 7, 2020 Created at: August 27, 2018 |
Tags | Exploration Extra Large Magic Modpacks Quests Tech |
Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles 
Hardcore Adventure & Expert Quest-Pack [1.12.2]
Discord Languages: English, Pусский
Questbook Languages: English or Pусский
24 Months of developement have formed a wonderful and balanced Modpack around Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops.
Almost every recipe and all configurations have been modified!
This pack comes with a large variety of powerful magic and technic mods. They are all balanced with each other.
Use magic mods to give you advantages in terms of technology and vice versa! At a certain point you will need to follow both paths to build powerful things.
All Machines require items from different mods and are crafted in big workbenches. (5x5, 7x7, 9x9)
You will need a lot of resources if you want to master everything!
Also, there are a lot of exploration and adventure mods to have as much fun as possible! You will find a lot of useful stuff.. believe me, it's worth it!
Currently there are 1750+ Quests in English & Pусский!
The quests are custom made to fit perfectly in with the modpack. Most of the quests have rewards which help you along with other quests. These quests guide you through the pack, helping you reach the end objective.
Food, Brewing Systems, Agriculture and Bees:
- Challenging and Customized Food System with Pam‘s Harvestcraft, SOL Carrot Edition and Hunger Overhaul
- A brewing system for making alcoholic beverages with Rustic
- Bees and Trees with Forestry, Binnis Mod, Magic Bees and Career Bees!
- Genetic manipulation of bees, trees and butterflies with Gendustry
- Large varieties of Potions/Splash Potions and Tipped Arrows with Extra Alchemy
- New ways to breed and Care for Animals with Animania
- Resource crops for tons of materials through Mystical Agriculture
Technology, Storage Systems and Magic:
- Multiple Tech and Magic Mods balanced in each other around Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops!
- A lot of Customized Content via Contenttweaker with complex processing lines!
- Large varieties of power generation!
- Challeging scientific projects around Rockhounding Mod and Alchemistry!
- Tons of Customized Tools and Materials with TConstruct, PlusTiC and MorePlates!
- Over 20 new Ores and Blocks, 28 new alloys and unique Traits with Tinkers Alloying Addon
- Tons of Utilities around Cyclic, OpenBlocks, Extra Utilitis, Dynamic Integration and much more!
- Use Refined Storage or Applied Energistics 2, Iron Chests, Mekanism Bins, Storage Drawers and more to survive with this massive amount of Stuff!
- Conquer the Universe with Galacticraft and Extra Planets to gather important resources!
- Use blood based Mods as EvilCraft and Blood Magic / Blood Arsenal!
- Use the Power of the Stars with Astral Sorcery!
- Grow step by step together with Botanias fantastic Mana System!
Adventure and Exploration:
- My Modpack uses Traverse & Zoesteria Biomes to create a beautiful terrain in the overworld!
- Extensive, almost endless cave networks thanks to Worleys Caves and Underground Biomes!
- More than 20 dimensions to explore (which include planets like Mars, fantasy dimensions like the Twilight Forest and much more)
- Use Stargates to travel to other planets!
- Massive Underground Structures around Roguelike Dungeons and Doomlike Dungeons!
- Dangerous Ruins and other random Structures with spawners and extra Chests!
- Completely reworked Loot-Tables for almost every Dungeon Chest to make exploring more attractive!
- Tons of challenging opponents with Infernal Mobs and Rough Mobs!
- Dragons, Cyclopes, Hippogryphs and other majestic creatures to tame, fly or to defeat!
- Build Airships and Jetpacks to Explore the World or use High-Speed lines in your own Subway System!
- Protect your Base with OpenModularTurrets and OpenModularPassiveDefence!
- Plushie Challenge! Collect all the lost Plushies *.*
- Full Customized Lootbags!
Building and Decoration:
- This Modpack brings tons of possibilities like Chisel and Bits, Little Tiles, Architecturecraft, Blockcraftery, Mr. Crayfishs Furnitures, Bibliocraft and more to pimp up your Base
Full Modlist (Updated 12.07.2022):
- Actually Additions
- Actually Baubles
- Additional Structures
- Alchemistry
- Alib
- Animania
- AppleCore
- AppleSkin
- Applied Energistics 2
- Artisan Worktables
- Artisan Integrations
- Artisan Automation
- Architecture Craft
- Aroma Core
- Aroma Backup
- Astralsorcery
- Akashic Tome
- Anthenaum
- AutoRegLib
- Avaritia
- B.A.S.E
- Baubles
- BetterFPS
- Better Questing
- Better Questing Questbook
- Better Questing Standart Expansion
- Better Questing Forestry Expansion
- Better Builders Wands
- Bdlib
- BiblioCraft
- Binni Mods
- Blockcraftery
- Blood Arsenal
- Blood Magic
- Bookshelf
- Bonsai Trees
- Botania
- Botanic Additions
- Brandons Core
- Carrer Bees
- Crafting Tweaks
- Ceramics
- Chameleon
- Chest Transporter
- ChickenChunks
- Chisel
- Chisel and Bits
- Chunk Pregenerator
- Clumps
- CodeChickenLib
- CoFH Core
- CoFH World
- Common Cababilities
- Compact Drawers
- Compact Machines 3
- ContentTweaker
- Controlling
- CookieCore
- Cosmetic Armor Reworked
- Corail Tombstones
- CraftStudio
- CraftTweaker2
- Connected Textures Mod
- Cucumber
- CustomStartingGear
- Custom Main Menu
- CreativeCore
- Cyclic
- CyclopsCore
- Dank Null
- DefaultOptions
- DDSSUtils [special thx to dierke9!]
- Doomlike Dungeons
- Draconic Evolution
- Dungoen Tactics
- DiscordCraft
- Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)
- Elulib
- EnchantingTable
- Ender Storage
- Enviromentaltech
- EvilCraft
- Exchangers
- Extended Crafting
- Extraalechemy
- Extra Cells
- Extra Planets
- Extrautils 2
- Extreme Reactors
- Fast Workbench
- FastLeafDecay
- Foamfix
- Forestry
- ForgeEndertech
- Forgelin
- ForgeMultipart
- FTB Utils
- FTB Lib
- Galacticraft Core
- Galacticraft Planets
- Galacticraft Tweaker
- Gendustry
- Gendustry JEI Addon
- Giacomos Fishing Net
- Guide-API
- Guidebook
- HammerLibCore
- Hooked
- Hunger Overhaul
- Hunting Dimension
- HelpFixer
- IceandFire
- Immersive Engeneering
- Industrial Foregoing
- Itegration Foregoing
- Integrated Dynamics
- Integrated Tunnels
- Inventory Tweaks
- Infernal Mobs
- Iron Chests
- JEI Bees
- Just Enough Calculations
- Journeymap
- Large Fluid Tanks
- LagGoggles
- LibrarianLib
- Llibrary
- Loot tweaker
- Loot Bags
- LittleTiles
- Little Opener
- Magic Bees
- Malisis Core
- Malisis Doors
- Mantle
- Mcjtylib
- ME Cababilities
- Mekanism
- Mekanism Generators
- Mekanism Tools
- Mekanism Ores
- MicdoodleCore
- Minerva Library
- MJRLegendsLib
- MobsPropretiesRandomness
- Mod Tweaker
- Mod Name Tooltip
- Moreoverlays
- Moreplates
- Mouse Tweaks
- Mowziesmobs
- Morpheus
- Modular Machinery
- Mr. Crayfishs Furnitures
- MrTJPCore
- MTLib
- Multimob
- Mystical Agriculture
- Mystical Aggriditions
- Natura
- Nature's Compass
- NetherEx
- NotEnoughID's
- Nucelarcraft
- Omlib
- OnlinePictureFrame
- OpenComputers
- OpenModulaPassiveDefence
- Openblocks
- OpenModsLib
- OpenModularTurrets
- Overloaded
- PackagedAuto
- PackagedAutoEX
- Pam's Harvestcraft
- Pams' Cookables
- Phosphorus
- Pickle Tweaks
- Placebo
- PlusTiC
- Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
- Primitive Mobs
- Progressive Bosses
- Project Red Base
- Project Red Compact
- Project Red Fabrication
- Project Red Integration
- Project Red Lightning
- Project Red Mechanical
- Project Red World
- Quark
- Random Patches
- Reauth
- Reborn Core
- Reborn Storage
- Redstone Flux
- Refined Storage
- Refined Storage Addons
- Refined Avaritia
- Resource Loader
- RFTools
- RFToolsctrl
- RFToolspower
- Rockhounding Chemistry
- Rockhounding Core
- Roguelike Dungeons
- RoughMobs2
- Ruins
- Rustic
- Sledgehammer
- Simply Jetpacks 2
- Simply Backpacks
- Smooth Font
- Solar Flux Reborn
- Spice of Life Carrot Edition
- Special AI
- Stargate Networks
- Steves Carts
- Storage Drawers
- Storage Drawers Extras
- StorageTech
- Storage Cabinet
- Sound Reloader
- TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
- Tinkers Construct
- Tinkers JEI
- Tech Reborn
- TeslsCoreLib
- The One Probe
- Thermal Cultivation
- Thermal Dynamics
- Thermal Expansion
- Thermal Foundation
- Thermal Innovation
- Tinker Tool Leveling
- Toast Control
- Torchmaster
- Tweaker Construct
- Topaddons
- Traverse
- Twilight Forest
- Underground Biomes
- UniDict
- Useful Railroads
- Vanilla Fix
- ValkyrieLib
- Vies Craft
- Vulcanite
- WanionLib
- Worley Caves
- Wireless Crafting Terminal
- Xnet
- Zero Core
- Zoesteria Biomes [special thx to Valoeghese!]
Note: This is a pretty heavy pack. You will need a fairly decent computer (Mainly CPU+RAM!) to run it. I would recommended setting your RAM to 8GB. (This means that you should have more than 8GB in your PC)
The Art used on the main menu of the Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles pack was created by MagicalISMagic on the DDSS Discord server, He created the art to be used by the pack only, and please, if possible, state this in your video/description.
Discord Link:
(English, Pусский)
A Modpack by: Freebi Peers